We've created this page to answer some common questions we get asked. We'll keep adding to it as questions combine that will benefit others.
How much does is cost for shipping / freight / postage?
Our shipping is calculated depending on your location. You will be advised on shipping rate before finalising your order.
We aim to keep the freight cost at what it cost us to get it to you.
Do you ship worldwide?
We ship worldwide. If you have concerns about your location then shoot us an email and we'll check it out.
What is a plug?
The plug is an anchor point that you attached your leash to. We can install it for you or you can choose to to install it yourself. Boards with stringers (rods) in them don't usually come pre plugged as you need to choose a location that avoids it.
What side should I have my board plugged?
The more you bodyboard the more you are likely to have a preference to which side you would like your board plugged. If you are unsure, it is most common to plug your board on your dominant side (eg. if you are right handed put on your right side).
Do I need to wax my board?
The simple answer is no you don't. If you want to add more traction to the top of your board then wax is a good idea. Most intermediate to professional riders will wax their boards. You don't need to go crazy, just add wax to the areas you want more traction.
How do I look after my bodyboards?
Read the care instructions here
Have another question? We know choosing the perfect board can be tough. Shoot us an email or give us a call.
Our story
Nomad Fun Park features two of Nomad’s elite riders, DK supremo Matt Lackey and 3 x Australian ABA Champion Lachlan Cramsie, as they travel to the Philippines to surf the country’s famous right, while also going off track in search of one of the island chains hidden secrets, a perfect undiscovered left-hand break.Epic Lefts and Rights……..
Welcome to the Nomad Fun Park.

The infamous Nomad Chopper.
Find out the story about this session on the Close Out Podcast Episode 2
QUAD EXHAUST CHANNELS The ultimate in next generation tech for speed and power. The Exhaust Channel system flushes water through the channel system giving you more drive down the line and speed into turns.
Precision Recoil Stringer™
Precision Recoil Stringer™ also known as PRS is a tapered carbon fibre stringer. The PRS is wider and stiffer at the tail of the board, and becomes narrower and more flexible as it gets closer to the nose of the board. This stringer works with the core adding spring like recoil in the nose while maintaining stiffness in the tail, the perfect combination for board projection.